Friday, August 5, 2011

Nothing but blue skies do I see ...

I love the lyrics to that Irving Berlin song; so happy after being sad. Unlike the person in the lyrics, I'm not in love ... unless it is with blue skies. I used to see lot more of the sky in Birch Bay. If I drove out of Spokane proper, I would probably see more sky. I'm going to drive east of Spokane tomorrow morning to check out a farmers market in Liberty Lake, I think it's called. Wonder what kind of sky I'll see there?

Cityscape skies seem so encapsulated, closed in, but that just may be my perception. For example, today's photograph is of the sky I saw from the backyard, surrounded by neighborhood trees and rooftops and utility wires zinging in all directions. It's not so bad. It's all a matter of where you look and how you look at it.

Nothing but blue skies did I see, oh, and a few lovely whisps of water vapor.

August 5, 2011

I used the negative effect filter on this photo, and I then perceived it as smoke. It's all in how one looks at it, yes?

Unedited (iPhoto)

Negative effect filter (iPhoto)

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